Monthly Archives: August 2014

Alcala Del Valle Meeting

Club Outing to Alcala Del Valle – we made a great weekend out of the event…

End of Summer events

We have had a fantastic year with lots going on and good things happening to the Association.  There are still a few things going on in the background of which I hope to bring you more information soon. For some time now we have been trying to get special number to be able to show that our vehicles are of a Historical nature.

I am glad to say that yesterday this was confirmed and in future we shall have the G plate with an H at the end to show its a historical vehicle. G1001H (Example). Now before you all start asking questions let me sort out how this is going to be done. At the moment this will apply to all new vehicles. I will keep you informed as to how this will affect existing number plates.

Your committee is now also working on the events for the rest of the year including Christmas Dinner.
Our NEXT event will be on Sunday 7th September 2014  with a display of our vehicles at Ocean Village Promenade. I hope to see many of you there supporting the Association.
Ocean Village have kindly moved the Sunday Market to accommodate us, so its now up to us to support the event. 
I wish you all a Great Summer    Click Me! and see you all in September.