Monthly Archives: July 2017

Morocco Trip October 2017

Dear Members and Friends,

We are in the process of planning another trip into Morocco beginning of October. We are at the moment at the very beginning of the planning stage and do not have costs etc but simply an outline plan. We are putting it out just to see how many would be interested in coming.

Trip would be for 7 days probably leaving from Tarifa to Tangiers. Places to visit would be :

We will see the city of Ifran, Then the desert, from there to the City of Ouarzazat often called The Hollywood of Africa. From there to Marakesh, then to Rabat and back to Tangiers or Tetouan/Ceuta.

If you or your members are interested in participating please let me know and I will put you down in the list and keep you updated. No commitment until we have all the information.

We will be open on age of vehicles but priority will be given to Classic Vehicles with a restriction on new vehicles.